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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Mia felicita

Carezza mia, sorriso luminoso,
fate il mio cuore di svolazzare.
La gioia e l'allegria,
mi fate felice.
Fantasia e speranza,
sogni e speranza,
miei cari amici,
voi portate la luce nella mia vita.
Una vibrazione raffinata -
così sottile, così divina,
delicata e dilettevole eppure così intensa,
tu sei il genuino amore -
la mia felicità, il mio élan.

To you, my . . .

To you, my mind, I am talking;
to you I am asking - where are you?!
Lost in the present, numb,
frozen by the emptiness.

To you, my heart, I am appealing;
for you I am waiting and seeking -
to hear your beat, feel your love,
be again alive and happy.

To you, my bright being, my fondling,
I am wondering - where have you disappeared?!
Withered, forlorn, lonely,
wandering in darkness amongst the human desert.

To you, my gentle creature, I say - come back,
be me again, rejoice in your mindfulness and care,
be reborn in light and vibrant, vivid youth,
in your affection, inner strength and fine vibration.