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Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Silence and music, the rhythm of my heart ...
Sunny mornings, chirping birds, a promise.
A lost particle in a still space,
a ceased existence moment, happiness.
Alone, lonesome and yet blessed;
appreciated life of solitude and harmony.

Solitary, quiet, withdrawn, a joyful soul;
silence, peace, repose, serenity, concord.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Are you

A tired soul, an exhausted heart,
are you trying to escape the pain?
Are you silenced by your nostalgia
of times long gone by, forlorn?

A mighty spirit, lost in present,
searching for the right way,
are you, dear, questioning again
the path you have chosen, the right

to grow, develop and progress?
In times of muddy values, no respect,
are you, gentle child, once more
seeking the path back home?

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Весна неожиданно пришла.
Рано еще, в феврале, себя пропустила,
снег растаял, птицы запели.
Они радостно поют, домики строют.

Март нас немножко испугал,
холод был опять настал.
Сейчас уже солнце на горизонте
знак и гарант за наступившею весну.

Было холодно и скучно, темно;
было одиноко очень долго.
Теперь лучи весело греют -
душу греют, неудачу прогоняют.

Ветер дует, дождь идет,
земля со сна встает,
зверей к любви призывает,
людям доброты дарит.

I found a way

I found a way to appease
my broken heart.
I found a way to alleviate
the gnawing pain
of my shabby spirit.

My soul cried to exhaustion.
My mind shivered into a thousand pieces.
My heart surrendered to obscurity.
A malady took over my body.

I was lost; felt lost,
for all the joy and hope.
Embosomed by a strong belief,
I fell into oblivion.

I found a way to preserve
my brightness and purity -
I died, dying over and over again,
until no piece of me was left.

I found a way to understanding
after I felt the grief and misery
of this world; after I felt
the muddle of the fellow creature.

I found a way to gentleness in
muddy minds and void hearts,
in hollow lives; in seclusion.
I found a way to see.

Now my mind is open, my heart
alive; my feeling is staunch.
I hear the wisdom of me.
I listen to words in the air.

I found a way to become me.
I stay in connection.
My eyes are the ether,
my strength - the death.

I exult in the might of my awareness.
Triumph over the imperfection of
my livery and tenuity, my flaws.
I found a way to leap upward.

Now I am here - calm, quite, because
I found a way to peace; at times
I lose my cool, but I am deep, because
I found a way to come to grasp with conditionality.


Фина вибрация на нежност,
полъх на топлина, арома.
Тежки, тъмни времена отминават,
обещаващи тръпки полазват.
Един ден снегът се разтопи,
птици запяха, слънце проблесна.

Бавно живот се просмука
и в малката пролука
пролетта постепенно се настани.
Сега вече е тука, жива.
Весела, слънчева, игрива.
Свраки клонки крадат, сухата
трева отнасят, гнезда си строят.
Птичките радостна песен подхващат,
пчелите жужат, калинки пълзят.

Дръвчета своите клони украсяват,
луковитски се садят, градини се копаят.
Слънцето е верен другар напоследък,
усмивката, накит чудесен, лицето краси.
Събудената природа без прозявка
бърза света да украси и
своите чудни таланти на нас да подари.

Радост в сърцата, надежда в главата,
а душата поуморена разтваря ръце и
целия потенциал на мистични светове
в себе си приема и цъфти под ярките лъчи
на тази току що настъпила промяна.
А душата в омая и захлас се смее,
сили събира и добрина сее.

Светът се събужда, духът оживява.
Пролет настъпва, земята ликува.
Всички твари се размърдват,
къщички строят, градини творят.
Съживилата се природа тайно мъдрува,
чудесата си прегрупира и пред нас
ги разкрива. Пролет е дошла.
С нови сили дарена, душата ми ликува.


On the sunny meadow of the magic forest,
lies the laughter of the forest creatures.
In the rays of bright happiness,
a wish come true and alters the world.

In the whisper of the tree branches,
leaves speak of charm and love;
dark and forceful secrets, hidden
behind the heedlessness of human beings,

tell the story of enigmatic, divine beauty,
of goodness and possibilities, of luck,
of all the blessings and a blissful life,
of flowing riches and achievable joy.

Amongst the forest's mystical affluences,
orphic springs and gentle runnels,
shroud the liberating wisdom of deep
and wild rivers, of blue oceans.

In the sparkling droplets of the waterfalls,
rest the seed of purifying vigour;
in the gust of wind resides the change,
the sacred breath of the amend.

In the buzz of the forest's chatter,
just a step away, gates of mysterious dimensions
entice one's heart to enter and explore
the vast domains of salvation and glory.

The lurid green grass enchants the spirit;
the sunshine empowers; the sky inspires.
Birds sing in sparkling gaiety of bonheur;
the forest dwellers share the merits.

On the sunny meadows of the entrancing forest,
lies the wisdom of abundant existence.
In the sultry ambience of a gay forest day,
mystic entities whisper divine secrets.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

First Aid Kit - Wolf

Virginal soul

On a sunny morning I see you, girl.
Where have you been, what have you done?
Have you had bad dreams; have you been
to magic places of pleasant extremes?

On a fresh morning, awaken and fit,
your soul wanders about the sun.
Hey girl, do you miss love? Hey girl,
do your eyes hurt, does your heart cry?

At the dawn, my sweet girl, I see
your tears, the sadness of times gone by.
Pure creature, tortured by this world,
a wholesome seed of virginal ardour,

where have you been, what have you seen?
Is your heart stamped over and over again;
is your spirit crashed by the lack of deign?
Is your felicity marred by the weak, or

possibly by the narrow-minded squeak, or
perhaps by the whining empty-hearted clique?
A meek wight, a gentle soul, and yet so strong,
how many times have you your nature outworn?

On a bright morning, in the beam of light,
you, my precious, docile maid, have the power
to overcome it all; an amenable spirit, who has been
dying for so long, has become the winner after all.

On a sunny morning of a bright day, on a grey day
of a mirky realm, on dark evenings of hollow subsistence,
I see you, girl - I hear the spirit; converse with the soul.
Your journey is thorny, vexed, arduous; your path is hard.

In the shine of the day, my tormented virginal soul,
reborn from the ashes of your wretched life, I wonder -
where have you been; what have you done? Have you
preserved the innocence of your heart, my virginal soul?

Monday, 19 March 2012

To mum

I love you with the power of the fertile soil;
Grateful, I bow down before you; cordially,
I rejoice in the bliss of having you in
my life, my thoughts, my heart; gracefully,
I send you my genuine light of love.

Beholden to this life, I bow to you and thank you
for all the efforts to teach me, protect me, fence me
against the cruelty of this world; I love you for
all the mistakes you have made, for all the times you
didn't know, for your personal fears, the confusion.

I bow before this life for my candid blessing -
for you being, for you breathing, for you vibrating,
for having me in your heart. I love you. I love you
for the force your existence bestows me with.
For your unadulterated, heartfelt agape, and devotion.


Grijze lucht en trieste zon,
lege straat en snotterige kinderen.
Uitgeputte grond, magere bloemen -
onkruid heerst over het gras.

Alles is stil, het leven is dood,
de mensen ontbreken net als
het geluk. Geen belangstelling,
geen energie of intelligentie.

Tevergeefs zoek je zuivere harten,
krachtige mensen. Een plas vol
met puddelende insecten!! Parasieten
in hart, in ziel en in gedachten.

Bedrog in hun waarde; zwakte,
onderkruipsels, glibberige zieken -
geringe kennis, verblindende oogkleppen,
stervende geest, ontbrekende interesse.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Quiet and calm

Quiet and calm, unassailable,
swiftly floating through the space
of thoughts and forlorn feelings,
I am and will be, just as I was.

Quiet and calm, serene,
hovering over an ocean
of maimed - blind, at lost of
pristine heart and pure soul.

Quiet and calm, on hold,
I've altered, I've changed.
Quiet and calm, in suspense,
I am soft, tender and gentle.

Quiet and calm, placid,
my solace is my death;
my power is my death;
my secret - my rebirth.

Quiet and calm, free,I exist
thus I am - calm, quiet, firm;
detached, perceptive, ardent,
in a murky world, I subsist.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

“Orgasm is Vital” – Dr. Sara Gottfried

“Orgasm is Vital” – Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D. Integrative Physician who helps women feel sexy, ripe and delicious again with natural hormone balancing, recently spoke on the benefits of orgasm for women. Feeling a lack of vitality in your life? After 23 years in the medicine, Dr. Gottfried claims that overall, women are suffering from low vitality. Orgasm is the vitality you need. Orgasm is a natural healing agent women’s bodies require.

There’s an epidemic in our world. One in which women have lost their vitality. An epidemic that keeps women from getting what they need, what they really want. It leads to higher stress in women, more weight gain, an imbalance of estrogen, a lack of sexual desire. And a lot more.

Watch in this video as Dr. Sara describes this epidemic and shows us that orgasm is vital to the health of women. Orgasm can

Lower your cortisol levels (i.e., lower your stress)
Increase your estrogen levels (i.e., make your bones stronger)
Increase your thyroid levels (i.e., help you keep weight off)

This is just the beginning of what orgasm can do for you.

“Orgasm is Vital” – Dr. Sara Gottfried