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Monday, 5 May 2014

Washington responsible for fascist massacre in Odessa

Flowers left on the staircase of the trade union building in the Ukrainian city of Odessa in memory of those died on Friday.

In what can only be described as a massacre, 38 anti-government activists were killed Friday after fascist-led forces set fire to Odessa’s Trade Unions House, which had been sheltering opponents of the US-and European-backed regime in Ukraine.

According to eye-witnesses, those who jumped from the burning building and survived were surrounded and beaten by thugs from the neo-Nazi Right Sector. Video footage shows bloodied and wounded survivors being attacked.

The atrocity underscores both the brutal character of the right-wing government installed in Kiev by the Western powers and the encouragement by the US and its allies of a bloody crackdown by the regime to suppress popular opposition, centered in the mainly Russian-speaking south and east of Ukraine.

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Desperate Ukrainian junta just tries to use show of force while its military is in complete disarray – political analyst


Desperate Ukrainian junta just tries to use show of force while its military is in complete disarray -  political analyst

When it comes to Ukrainian military capability, it is a mix beg. They have about 130,000 troops at their disposal and last year they spent close to 1,5 billion. However, they are using outdated Soviet era equipment and they don't have much combat experience. However, they have done some practices with NATO in the past in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo but right now the status of Ukrainian military is basically in complete disarray. If we look back at the Crimean events about a month or two ago, we see that in the Ukrainian military there are a lot of deserters, they don't want to support this junta at all. So, they are refusing to follow orders and to show the desperation the junta leader Turchynov has just enacted a mandatory conscription a few days ago for men between 18-25. This is showing the desperation.

Ukraine is launching an invasion of Slavyansk. In terms of military strategy if the Ukrainian military wants to dominate the East, is such a heavy-handed approach the right way to go about this? It is pretty brutal, isn't it?

Yes, this is very brutal and it is completely counterproductive. What we are seeing right here is that Ukrainian junta trying to use a show of force but this is purely for international and domestic image consumption. What the junta wants to do is they want to show the West they are serious about "pro-Russian terrorists" as they call them. And by even calling them terrorists that is dehumanizing them and basically justifying what amounts to political, public execution of every civilian that has been killed in Slavyansk and on top of that if they were serious about wanting to dominate, they would try to use a more unconventional approach of special forces. But we see over the past couple weeks that every time they've tried to do something like this, it's failed.


America’s 'Immaculate Conception' Theory of War Crimes

 After more than 30 people died in a fire in the Ukrainian seaside resort town of Odessa, most of the Western press pretended that no one knows what happened or whose fault it was. For example, see these stories from the Guardian and BBC.
But USA Today reports:

Witnesses and journalists reported that as the building burned with people inside, a crowd shouted, “Glory to Ukraine!” and “Death to enemies!” [These are neo-Nazi slogans.]
[T]he Associated Press reported that the Russian sympathizers took refuge in the trade union hall on Kulikovo Field Square after government supporters rousted their encampment outside and then burned their tents. Police said the building was set on fire with Molotov cocktails.

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Washington Intends Russia’s Demise


Washington has no intention of allowing the crisis in Ukraine to be resolved. Having failed to seize the country and evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base, Washington sees new opportunities in the crisis.

Image: Ukraine Crisis (YouTube).

One is to restart the Cold War by forcing the Russian government to occupy the Russian-speaking areas of present day Ukraine where protesters are objecting to the stooge anti-Russian government installed in Kiev by the American coup. These areas of Ukraine are former constituent parts of Russia herself. They were attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders in the 20th century when both Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country, the USSR.

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